Welcome to the Palace

When I first discovered that this thing called "domestic discipline" existed, I felt as though some of my deepest desires had been validated.  I was amazed to learn that I was not the only woman alive who wanted her husband to provide her with real discipline without the added component of whips, chains, or complete and absolute servitude.  There is nothing wrong with any of that, of course.  It just wasn't me.  So, I googled and read everything that I could possibly find.  I became nearly obsessed and sometimes, I still am.  Among the various delightful resources I found online were a handful of blogs written by members of DD couples.  Some, I found informative and educational.  A few others spoke deeply to my heart.  In those cases, I felt as if someone had read my own thoughts and transcribed them for me.  It was exhilarating.  So, imagine my surprise when I started mentioning my favorite blogs to my new friends in the DD chat room I had also found online. 

"I had to stop reading those blogs.  I did way too much comparing and it was just bad for us," one woman wrote once.

"Me too.  I am not even allowed to read the blogs anymore," another would chime in.

"Most of the blogs seem too much like a fairy tale to me.  My expectations got out of hand," said another friend.

These types of comments came up repeatedly.

I can relate to the temptation to compare.  I am as guilty as the next TiH (Taken in Hand, for those not familiar).  I think it is only natural.  Comparing ourselves against a seemingly impossible standard, however, can rob us of the tremendous support and friendship that we might otherwise find online in one another. My hope for this blog, then, is to provide a glimpse into a relatively new DD relationship.

First, allow me to introduce myself.  I am Princess_Imp and I am TiH.

My husband and I have been married for over a decade.  We have been practicing domestic discipline for about two years now.  We have not continuously kept up our dynamic.  We have had starts and stops and several bumps along the road.  At this point in time, we are just getting back on track after having taken a month long unintentional break.  "What happened?" one might ask.  Again, we are imperfect and life has a way of just happening.  We have no fairy tale to share. (Note: I am, however, *absolutely positively* a sweet little princess.  Trust me!)

I am the one that brought Domestic Discipline to the table in our relationship.  In some ways, I don't think my husband - we'll call him Tom - was surprised.   Play spankings and role plays have long been a part of our shared intimacy.  Yet in other ways, I think he has been quite surprised.  He had not realized how badly I wanted him to lead, instruct, guide, and protect me.  He had not realized just how much power I wanted to give up.  Perhaps I did not fully realize it either... until I did.

I have tested my HoH (Head of Household) and gotten frustrated.  Tom has second guessed himself.  I have realized how little attention I had been paying to my marriage before DD.  Tom, with my help, has slowly educated himself about this lifestyle.  We are both growing into our roles.  We are not perfect people, are not a perfect couple, and most certainly do not have our DD dynamic perfected.  Precisely because of our imperfection, perhaps we have something - a real-time description of our journey - to offer to others in our little community.

💖 PrincessImp


  1. Hi, P! Congratulations on your new blog! I find your story interesting and you are an engaging writer. No couple has TTWD or TIH or whatever perfected. If a blog seems that way, we're either reading too much into it or .... well, I don't know. LOL We all have discouragements, ups and downs, steady times, and communication that goes well or completely falls apart! There are those of us here in blog land that want to practice DD but haven't been able to for one reason or another, but we still want to be part of the community and talk to other women with the same kind of needs. If you've been reading for a while, I guess you know all that. I feel honesty on our blogs is essential.... the good and the bad.... we need to be real if we're going to learn and support one another. Anyway, welcome to the community! Your blog looks great and I look forward reading here! Hugs! Windy

  2. Hi Princessimp, (love the handle)
    I can relate to everything g you've said here and you articulate it so well. I can also relate to what others have said about needing to stop reading blogs because they were comparing their own relationship to others. That has happened to me so many times. It is unfortunate that we struggle with that though we've come here for community with others who understand. Until I knew this was a thing, I thought my desires were warped or wrong. It's so comforting to know others feel the same. So welcome to the community!

  3. ... and welcome to ttwd Blogland, Princess Imp! ... congratulations on your new blog. If you've been reading through the various blogs for awhile, you will have realized that everyone has a unique story to tell ... no one doing it better or worse than anyone else ... just doing what works for them. I look forward to following your journey! ... nj
